Suppose that is a function of the positive integral variable . The aggregate of all the values defines a set , to which we may apply all the arguments of § 80. If is bounded above, or bounded below, or bounded, we say that is bounded above, or bounded below, or bounded. If is bounded above, that is to say if there is a number such that for all values of , then there is a number such that
(i) for all values of ;
(ii) if is any positive number then for at least one value of . This number we call the upper bound of . Similarly, if is bounded below, that is to say if there is a number such that for all values of , then there is a number such that
(i) for all values of ;
(ii) if is any positive number then for at least one value of . This number we call the lower bound of .
If exists, ; if exists, ; and if both and exist then