The circular functions

The reader will find it an instructive exercise to work out the theory of the circular functions, starting from the definition

The equation (1) defines a unique value of y corresponding to every real value of x. As y is continuous and strictly increasing, there is an inverse function x=x(y), also continuous and steadily increasing. We write

If we define π by the equation then this function is defined for 12π<y<12π.

We write further where the square root is positive; and we define cosy and siny, when y is 12π or 12π, so that the functions shall remain continuous for those values of y. Finally we define cosy and siny, outside the interval [12π,12π], by

We have thus defined cosy and siny for all values of y, and tany for all values of y other than odd multiples of 12π. The cosine and sine are continuous for all values of y, the tangent except at the points where its definition fails.

The further development of the theory depends merely on the addition formulae. Write x=x1+x21x1x2, and transform the equation (1) by the substitution t=x1+u1x1u,u=tx11+x1t.

We find arctanx1+x21x1x2=x1x2du1+u2=0x1du1+u2+0x2du1+u2=arctanx1+arctanx2.

From this we deduce an equation proved in the first instance only when y1y2, and y1+y2 lie in [12π,12π], but immediately extensible to all values of y1 and y2 by means of the equations (5).

From (4) and (6) we deduce cos(y1+y2)=±(cosy1cosy2siny1siny2). To determine the sign put y2=0. The equation reduces to cosy1=±cosy1, which shows that the positive sign must be chosen for at least one value of y2, viz. y2=0. It follows from considerations of continuity that the positive sign must be chosen in all cases. The corresponding formula for sin(y1+y2) may be deduced in a similar manner.

The formulae for differentiation of the circular functions may now be deduced in the ordinary way, and the power series derived from Taylor’s Theorem.

An alternative theory of the circular functions is based on the theory of infinite series. An account of this theory, in which, for example, cosx is defined by the equation cosx=1x22!+x44! will be found in Whittaker and Watson’s Modern Analysis (Appendix A).

Appendix II Main Page Appendix IV