1. The function takes the values , , , , , , , , , … when , , , …. Express in terms of by a formula which does not involve trigonometrical functions. [.]
2. If steadily increases, and steadily decreases, as tends to , and if for all values of , then both and tend to limits, and . [This is an immediate corollary from § 69.]
3. Prove that, if then and . [The first result has already been proved in § 73.]
4. Prove also that for all values of : and deduce (by means of the preceding examples) that both and tend to limits as tends to .
5. The arithmetic mean of the products of all distinct pairs of positive integers whose sum is is denoted by . Show that .
6. Prove that if , , and so on, and being positive, then .
[Prove first that
7. If is a positive integer for all values of , and tends to with , then tends to if and to if . Discuss the behaviour of , as , for other values of .
8. If increases or decreases steadily as increases, then the same is true of .
9. If , and and are positive, then the sequence , , , … is an increasing or decreasing sequence according as is less than or greater than , the positive root of the equation ; and in either case as .
10. If , and and are positive, then the sequences , , , … and , , , … are one an increasing and the other a decreasing sequence, and each sequence tends to the limit , the positive root of the equation .
11. The function is increasing and continuous (see Ch. V) for all values of , and a sequence , , , … is defined by the equation . Discuss on general graphical grounds the question as to whether tends to a root of the equation . Consider in particular the case in which this equation has only one root, distinguishing the cases in which the curve crosses the line from above to below and from below to above.
12. If , are positive and , then the sequences , , , … and , , , … are one a decreasing and the other an increasing sequence, and they have the common limit .
13. Draw a graph of the function defined by the equation
14. The function is equal to except when is an integer, and then equal to . The function is equal to unless is an integer, and then equal to .
15. Show that the graph of the function is composed of parts of the graphs of and , together with (as a rule) two isolated points. Is defined when (a) , (b) , (c) ?
16. Prove that the function which is equal to when is rational, and to when is irrational, may be represented in the form where as in Ex. XXXI. 14. [If is rational then , and therefore , is equal to zero from a certain value of onwards: if is irrational then is always positive, and so is always equal to .]
Prove that may also be represented in the form
17. Sum the series
we have
and so
18. If , then and if , then
19. Expansion of in powers of . Let , be the roots of , so that . We shall suppose that , , , , are all real, and and unequal. It is then easy to verify that There are two cases, according as or .
(1) If then the roots , are real and distinct. If is less than either or we can expand and in ascending powers of (Ex. 18). If is greater than either or we must expand in descending powers of ; while if lies between and one fraction must be expanded in ascending and one in descending powers of . The reader should write down the actual results. If is equal to or then no such expansion is possible.
(2) If then the roots are conjugate complex numbers (Ch. III § 43), and we can write where , , so that , .
If then each fraction may be expanded in ascending powers of . The coefficient of will be found to be If we obtain a similar expansion in descending powers, while if no such expansion is possible.
20. Show that if then
[The sum to
terms is
21. Expand in powers of , ascending or descending according as or .
22. Show that if and then where ; and find the corresponding expansion, in descending powers of , which holds when .
23. Verify the result of Ex. 19 in the case of the fraction . [We have .]
24. Prove that if then
25. Expand , and in ascending powers of . For what values of do your results hold?
26. If then
27. If then
. Then we have to prove that
tends to zero if
does so.
We divide the numbers , , … into two sets , , …, and , , …, . Here we suppose that is a function of which tends to as , but more slowly than , so that and : we might suppose to be the integral part of .
Let be any positive number. However small may be, we can choose so that , , …, are all numerically less than when , and so But, if is the greatest of the moduli of all the numbers , , …, we have and this also will be less than when , if is large enough, since as . Thus when ; which proves the theorem.
The reader, if he desires to become expert in dealing with questions about limits, should study the argument above with great care. It is very often necessary, in proving the limit of some given expression to be zero, to split it into two parts which have to be proved to have the limit zero in slightly different ways. When this is the case the proof is never very easy.
The point of the proof is this: we have to prove that is small when is large, the ’s being small when their suffixes are large. We split up the terms in the bracket into two groups. The terms in the first group are not all small, but their number is small compared with . The number in the second group is not small compared with , but the terms are all small, and their number at any rate less than , so that their sum is small compared with . Hence each of the parts into which has been divided is small when is large.]
28. If as , then .
, and the theorem reduces to that proved in the last example.]
29. If , so that is equal to or according as is odd or even, then as .
[This example proves that the converse of Ex. 27 is not true: for
oscillates as
30. If , denote the sums of the first terms of the series then