53. Properties possessed by a function of n for large values of n.

We may now return to the ‘functions of n’ which we were discussing in §§ 50-51. They have many points of difference from the functions of x which we discussed in Ch. II. But there is one fundamental characteristic which the two classes of functions have in common: the values of the variable for which they are defined form an infinite class. It is this fact which forms the basis of all the considerations which follow and which, as we shall see in the next chapter, apply, mutatis mutandis, to functions of x as well.

Suppose that ϕ(n) is any function of n, and that P is any property which ϕ(n) may or may not have, such as that of being a positive integer or of being greater than 1. Consider, for each of the values n=1, 2, 3, …, whether ϕ(n) has the property P or not. Then there are three possibilities:—

(a) ϕ(n) may have the property P for all values of n, or for all values of n except a finite number N of such values:

(b) ϕ(n) may have the property for no values of n, or only for a finite number N of such values:

(c) neither (a) nor (b) may be true.

If (b) is true, the values of n for which ϕ(n) has the property form a finite class. If (a) is true, the values of n for which ϕ(n) has not the property form a finite class. In the third case neither class is finite. Let us consider some particular cases.

(1) Let ϕ(n)=n, and let P be the property of being a positive integer. Then ϕ(n) has the property P for all values of n.

If on the other hand P denotes the property of being a positive integer greater than or equal to 1000, then ϕ(n) has the property for all values of n except a finite number of values of n, viz. 1, 2, 3, …, 999. In either of these cases (a) is true.

(2) If ϕ(n)=n, and P is the property of being less than 1000, then (b) is true.

(3) If ϕ(n)=n, and P is the property of being odd, then (c) is true. For ϕ(n) is odd if n is odd and even if n is even, and both the odd and the even values of n form an infinite class.


Consider, in each of the following cases, whether (a), (b), or (c) is true:

(i) ϕ(n)=n, P being the property of being a perfect square,

(ii) ϕ(n)=pn, where pn denotes the nth prime number, P being the
property of being odd,

(iii) ϕ(n)=pn, P being the property of being even,

(iv) ϕ(n)=pn, P being the property ϕ(n)>n,

(v) ϕ(n)=1(1)n(1/n), P being the property ϕ(n)<1,

(vi) ϕ(n)=1(1)n(1/n), P being the property ϕ(n)<2,

(vii) ϕ(n)=1000{1+(1)n}/n, P being the property ϕ(n)<1,

(viii) ϕ(n)=1/n, P being the property ϕ(n)<.001,

(ix) ϕ(n)=(1)n/n, P being the property |ϕ(n)|<.001,

(x) ϕ(n)=10,000/n, or (1)n10,000/n, P being either of the properties ϕ(n)<.001 or |ϕ(n)|<.001,

(xi) ϕ(n)=(n1)/(n+1), P being the property 1ϕ(n)<.0001.



Let us now suppose that ϕ(n) and P are such that the assertion (a) is true, i.e. that ϕ(n) has the property P, if not for all values of n, at any rate for all values of n except a finite number N of such values. We may denote these exceptional values by n1, n2, , nN. There is of course no reason why these N values should be the first N values 1, 2, …, N, though, as the preceding examples show, this is frequently the case in practice. But whether this is so or not we know that ϕ(n) has the property P if n>nN. Thus the nth prime is odd if n>2, n=2 being the only exception to the statement; and 1/n<.001 if n>1000, the first 1000 values of n being the exceptions; and 1000{1+(1)n}/n<1 if n>2000, the exceptional values being 2, 4, 6, …, 2000. That is to say, in each of these cases the property is possessed for all values of n from a definite value onwards.

We shall frequently express this by saying that ϕ(n) has the property for large, or very large, or all sufficiently large values of n. Thus when we say that ϕ(n) has the property P (which will as a rule be a property expressed by some relation of inequality) for large values of n, what we mean is that we can determine some definite number, n0 say, such that ϕ(n) has the property for all values of n greater than or equal to n0. This number n0, in the examples considered above, may be taken to be any number greater than nN, the greatest of the exceptional numbers: it is most natural to take it to be nN+1.

Thus we may say that ‘all large primes are odd’, or that ‘1/n is less than .001 for large values of n’. And the reader must make himself familiar with the use of the word large in statements of this kind. Large is in fact a word which, standing by itself, has no more absolute meaning in mathematics than in the language of common life. It is a truism that in common life a number which is large in one connection is small in another; 6 goals is a large score in a football match, but 6 runs is not a large score in a cricket match; and 400 runs is a large score, but £400 is not a large income: and so of course in mathematics large generally means large enough, and what is large enough for one purpose may not be large enough for another.

We know now what is meant by the assertion ‘ϕ(n) has the property P for large values of n’. It is with assertions of this kind that we shall be concerned throughout this chapter.


55. The phrase ‘n tends to infinity’.

There is a somewhat different way of looking at the matter which it is natural to adopt. Suppose that n assumes successively the values 1, 2, 3, …. The word ‘successively’ naturally suggests succession in time, and we may suppose n, if we like, to assume these values at successive moments of time ( at the beginnings of successive seconds). Then as the seconds pass n gets larger and larger and there is no limit to the extent of its increase. However large a number we may think of ( 2,147,483,647), a time will come when n has become larger than this number.

It is convenient to have a short phrase to express this unending growth of n, and we shall say that n tends to infinity, or n, this last symbol being usually employed as an abbreviation for ‘infinity’. The phrase ‘tends to’ like the word ‘successively’ naturally suggests the idea of change in time, and it is convenient to think of the variation of n as accomplished in time in the manner described above. This however is a mere matter of convenience. The variable n is a purely logical entity which has in itself nothing to do with time.

The reader cannot too strongly impress upon himself that when we say that n ‘tends to ’ we mean simply that n is supposed to assume a series of values which increase continually and without limit. There is no number ‘infinity’: such an equation as n= is as it stands absolutely meaningless: n cannot be equal to , because ‘equal to ’ means nothing. So far in fact the symbol means nothing at all except in the one phrase ‘tends to ’, the meaning of which we have explained above. Later on we shall learn how to attach a meaning to other phrases involving the symbol , but the reader will always have to bear in mind

(1) that by itself means nothing, although phrases containing it sometimes mean something,

(2) that in every case in which a phrase containing the symbol means something it will do so simply because we have previously attached a meaning to this particular phrase by means of a special definition.

Now it is clear that if ϕ(n) has the property P for large values of n, and if n ‘tends to ’, in the sense which we have just explained, then n will ultimately assume values large enough to ensure that ϕ(n) has the property P. And so another way of putting the question ‘what properties has ϕ(n) for sufficiently large values of n?’ is ‘how does ϕ(n) behave as n tends to ?’


56. The behaviour of a function of n as n tends to infinity.

We shall now proceed, in the light of the remarks made in the preceding sections, to consider the meaning of some kinds of statements which are perpetually occurring in higher mathematics. Let us consider, for example, the two following statements: (a) 1/n is small for large values of n, (b) 1(1/n) is nearly equal to 1 for large values of n. Obvious as they may seem, there is a good deal in them which will repay the reader’s attention. Let us take (a) first, as being slightly the simpler.

We have already considered the statement ‘1/n is less than .01 for large values of n’. This, we saw, means that the inequality 1/n<.01 is true for all values of n greater than some definite value, in fact greater than 100. Similarly it is true that ‘1/n is less than .0001 for large values of n’: in fact 1/n<.0001 if n>10,000. And instead of .01 or .0001 we might take .000,001 or .000,000,01, or indeed any positive number we like.

It is obviously convenient to have some way of expressing the fact that any such statement as ‘1/n is less than .01 for large values of n’ is true, when we substitute for .01 any smaller number, such as .0001 or .000,001 or any other number we care to choose. And clearly we can do this by saying that ‘however small Δ may be (provided of course it is positive), then 1/n<Δ for sufficiently large values of n’. That this is true is obvious. For 1/n<Δ if n>1/Δ, so that our ‘sufficiently large’ values of n need only all be greater than 1/Δ. The assertion is however a complex one, in that it really stands for the whole class of assertions which we obtain by giving to Δ special values such as .01. And of course the smaller Δ is, and the larger 1/Δ, the larger must be the least of the ‘sufficiently large’ values of n: values which are sufficiently large when Δ has one value are inadequate when it has a smaller.

The last statement italicised is what is really meant by the statement (a), that 1/n is small when n is large. Similarly (b) really means “if ϕ(n)=1(1/n), then the statement ‘1ϕ(n)<Δ for sufficiently large values of n’ is true whatever positive value suchas$.01$or$.0001$ we attribute to Δ”. That the statement () is true is obvious from the fact that 1ϕ(n)=1/n.

There is another way in which it is common to state the facts expressed by the assertions (a) and (b). This is suggested at once by § 55. Instead of saying ‘1/n is small for large values of n’ we say ‘1/n tends to 0 as n tends to ’. Similarly we say that ‘1(1/n) tends to 1 as n tends to ’: and these statements are to be regarded as precisely equivalent to (a) and (b). Thus the statements `1/n is small when n is large’,`1/n tends to 0 as n tends to ’, are equivalent to one another and to the more formal statement

‘if Δ is any positive number, however small, then 1/n<Δ for sufficiently large values of n’,

or to the still more formal statement

‘if Δ is any positive number, however small, then we can find a number n0 such that 1/n<Δ for all values of n greater than or equal to n0’.

The number n0 which occurs in the last statement is of course a function of Δ. We shall sometimes emphasize this fact by writing n0 in the form n0(Δ).

The reader should imagine himself confronted by an opponent who questions the truth of the statement. He would name a series of numbers growing smaller and smaller. He might begin with .001. The reader would reply that 1/n<.001 as soon as n>1000. The opponent would be bound to admit this, but would try again with some smaller number, such as .0000001. The reader would reply that 1/n<.0000001 as soon as n>10,000,000: and so on. In this simple case it is evident that the reader would always have the better of the argument.

We shall now introduce yet another way of expressing this property of the function 1/n. We shall say that ‘the limit of 1/n as n tends to is 0’, a statement which we may express symbolically in the form limn1n=0, or simply lim(1/n)=0. We shall also sometimes write ‘1/n0 as n’, which may be read ‘1/n tends to 0 as n tends to ’; or simply ‘1/n0’. In the same way we shall write limn(11n)=1,lim(11n)=1, or 1(1/n)1.



Now let us consider a different example: let ϕ(n)=n2. Then ‘n2 is large when n is large’. This statement is equivalent to the more formal statements

‘if Δ is any positive number, however large, then n2>Δ for sufficiently large values of n’,

‘we can find a number n0(Δ) such that n2>Δ for all values of n greater than or equal to n0(Δ)’.

And it is natural in this case to say that ‘n2 tends to as n tends to ’, or ‘n2 tends to with n’, and to write n2.

Finally consider the function ϕ(n)=n2. In this case ϕ(n) is large, but negative, when n is large, and we naturally say that ‘n2 tends to as n tends to ’ and write n2. And the use of the symbol in this sense suggests that it will sometimes be convenient to write n2+ for n2 and generally to use + instead of , in order to secure greater uniformity of notation.

But we must once more repeat that in all these statements the symbols , +, mean nothing whatever by themselves, and only acquire a meaning when they occur in certain special connections in virtue of the explanations which we have just given.

52. Finite and infinite classes Main Page 58-61. Definition of a limit and other definitions