So far we have confined ourselves to series all of whose terms are real. We shall now consider the series where and are real. The consideration of such series does not, of course, introduce anything really novel. The series is convergent if, and only if, the series are separately convergent. There is however one class of such series so important as to require special treatment. Accordingly we give the following definition, which is an obvious extension of that of § 184.
Definition. The series , where , is said to be absolutely convergent if the series and are absolutely convergent.
Theorem. The necessary and sufficient condition for the absolute convergence of is the convergence of or .
For if is absolutely convergent, then both of the series , are convergent, and so is convergent: but and therefore is convergent. On the other hand so that and are convergent whenever is convergent.
It is obvious that an absolutely convergent series is convergent, since its real and imaginary parts converge separately. And Dirichlet’s Theorem (§ 169, 185) may be extended at once to absolutely convergent complex series by applying it to the separate series and .
The convergence of an absolutely convergent series may also be deduced directly from the general principle of convergence (cf. Ex. LXXVII. 1). We leave this as an exercise to the reader.