The function ax has been defined only for rational values of x, except in the particular case when a=e. We shall now consider the case in which a is any positive number. Suppose that x is a positive rational number p/q. Then the positive value y of the power ap/q is given by yq=ap; from which it follows that qlogy=ploga,logy=(p/q)loga=xloga, and so y=exloga. We take this as our definition of ax when x is irrational. Thus 102=e2log10. It is to be observed that ax, when x is irrational, is defined only for positive values of a, and is itself essentially positive; and that logax=xloga. The most important properties of the function ax are as follows.

(1) Whatever value a may have, ax×ay=ax+y and (ax)y=axy. In other words the laws of indices hold for irrational no less than for rational indices. For, in the first place, ax×ay=exloga×eyloga=e(x+y)loga=ax+y; and in the second (ax)y=eylogax=exyloga=axy.

(2) If a>1 then ax=exloga=eαx, where α is positive. The graph of ax is in this case similar to that of ex, and ax as x, more rapidly than any power of x.

If a<1 then ax=exloga=eβx, where β is positive. The graph of ax is then similar in shape to that of ex, but reversed as regards right and left, and ax0 as x, more rapidly than any power of 1/x.

(3) ax is a continuous function of x, and Dxax=Dxexloga=exlogaloga=axloga.

(4) ax is also a continuous function of a, and Daax=Daexloga=exloga(x/a)=xax1.

(5) (ax1)/xloga as x0. This of course is a mere corollary from the fact that Dxax=axloga, but the particular form of the result is often useful; it is of course equivalent to the result (Ex. LXXXV. 3) that (eαx1)/xα as x0.

In the course of the preceding chapters a great many results involving the function ax have been stated with the limitation that x is rational. The definition and theorems given in this section enable us to remove this restriction.

204–206. The exponential function Main Page 208. The representation of ex as a limit