125. The Mean Value Theorem.
We can proceed now to the proof of another general theorem of extreme importance, a theorem commonly known as ‘The Mean Value Theorem’ or ‘The Theorem of the Mean’.
Theorem. If has a derivative for all values of in the interval , then there is a value of between and , such that
Before we give a strict proof of this theorem, which is perhaps the most important theorem in the Differential Calculus, it will be well to point out its obvious geometrical meaning. This is simply (see Fig. 43) that if the curve has a tangent at all points of its length then there must be a point, such as , where the tangent is parallel to . For is the tangent of the angle which the tangent at makes with , and the tangent of the angle which makes with .

It is easy to give a strict analytical proof. Consider the function which vanishes when and . It follows from Theorem B of § 121 that there is a value for which its derivative vanishes. But this derivative is which proves the theorem. It should be observed that it has not been assumed in this proof that is continuous.
It is often convenient to express the Mean Value Theorem in the form where is a number lying between and . Of course is merely another way of writing ‘some number between and ’. If we put we obtain which is the form in which the theorem is most often quoted.
Example XLVII
1. Show that is the difference between the ordinates of a point on the curve and the corresponding point on the chord.
2. Verify the theorem when and when .
[In the latter case we have to prove that
, where
; that if
lies between
3. Establish the theorem stated at the end of § 124 by means of the Mean Value Theorem.
, we can find a small positive value of
such that
is nearly equal to
; and therefore, by the theorem, a small positive value of
such that
is nearly equal to
, which is inconsistent with
, unless
. Similarly
4. Use the Mean Value Theorem to prove Theorem (6) of § 113, assuming that the derivatives which occur are continuous.
[The derivative of
is by definition
But, by the Mean Value Theorem,
, where
is a number lying between
. And
is a number lying between
. Hence the derivative of
The Mean Value Theorem furnishes us with a proof of a result which is of great importance in what follows:
if , throughout a certain interval of values of , then is constant throughout that interval.
For, if and are any two values of in the interval, then An immediate corollary is that if , throughout a certain interval, then the functions and differ throughout that interval by a constant.