1. We supposed above that
, and so excluded the case in which
real and negative. In this case the straight line from
passes through
, and is therefore not admissible as a path of integration. Both
are values of
, and
is equal to one or other of them: also
. The values of
are still the values of
, viz.
is an integer. The values
correspond to paths from
lying respectively entirely above and entirely below the real axis. Either of them may be taken as the principal value of
, as convenience dictates. We shall choose the value
i corresponding to the first path.
2. The real and imaginary parts of any value of are both continuous functions of and , except for , .
3. The functional equation satisfied by . The function satisfies the equation in the sense that every value of either side of this equation is one of the values of the other side. This follows at once by putting and applying the formula above. It is however not true that in all circumstances. If, e.g., then , and , which is one of the values of , but not the principal value. In fact .
An equation such as (1), in which every value of either side is a value of the other, we shall call a complete equation, or an equation which is completely true.
4. The equation , where is an integer, is not completely true: every value of the right-hand side is a value of the left-hand side, but the converse is not true.
5. The equation is completely true. It is also true that , except when is real and negative.
6. The equation is true if lies outside the region bounded by the line joining the points , , and lines through these points parallel to and extending to infinity in the negative direction.
7. The equation is true if lies outside the triangle formed by the three points , , .
8. Draw the graph of the function of the real variable . [The graph consists of the positive halves of the lines and the negative halves of the lines .]
9. The function of the real variable , defined by is equal to when is positive and to when is negative.
10. The function defined by is equal to when , to when , and to when .
11. For what values of is (i) (ii) any value of (a) real or (b) purely imaginary?
12. If then , where and is the least positive angle determined by the equations Plot roughly the doubly infinite set of values of , indicating which of them are values of and which of .