Suppose that the variable is a function of the variable . It will generally be open to us also to regard as a function of , in virtue of the functional relation between and . But for the present we shall look at this relation from the first point of view. We shall then call the independent variable and the dependent variable; and, when the particular form of the functional relation is not specified, we shall express it by writing (or , , , as the case may be).
The nature of particular functions may, in very many cases, be illustrated and made easily intelligible as follows. Draw two lines , at right angles to one another and produced indefinitely in both directions. We can represent values of and by distances measured from along the lines , respectively, regard being paid, of course, to sign, and the positive directions of measurement being those indicated by arrows in fig. 6.

Let be any value of for which is defined and has (let us suppose) the single value . Take , , and complete the rectangle . Imagine the point marked on the diagram. This marking of the point may be regarded as showing that the value of for is .
If to the value of correspond several values of (say , , ), we have, instead of the single point , a number of points , , .
We shall call the point ; and the coordinates of referred to the axes , ; the abscissa, the ordinate of ; and the axis of and the axis of , or together the axes of coordinates, and the origin of coordinates, or simply the origin.
Let us now suppose that for all values of for which is defined, the value (or values , , ) of , and the corresponding point (or points , , ), have been determined. We call the aggregate of all these points the graph of the function .
To take a very simple example, suppose that is defined as a function of by the equation where , , are any fixed numbers. Then is a function of which possesses all the characteristics (1), (2), (3) of § 20. It is easy to show that the graph of is a straight line. The reader is in all probability familiar with one or other of the various proofs of this proposition which are given in text-books of Analytical Geometry.
We shall sometimes use another mode of expression. We shall say that when and vary in such a way that equation is always true, the locus of the point is a straight line, and we shall call the equation of the locus, and say that the equation represents the locus. This use of the terms ‘locus’, ‘equation of the locus’ is quite general, and may be applied whenever the relation between and is capable of being represented by an analytical formula.
The equation is the general equation of the first degree, for is the most general polynomial in and which does not involve any terms of degree higher than the first in and . Hence the general equation of the first degree represents a straight line. It is equally easy to prove the converse proposition that the equation of any straight line is of the first degree.
We may mention a few further examples of interesting geometrical loci defined by equations. An equation of the form or where , represents a circle. The equation (the general equation of the second degree) represents, assuming that the coefficients satisfy certain inequalities, a conic section, an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola. For further discussion of these loci we must refer to books on Analytical Geometry.