Quick-Read: Why Being on a Ventilator is Much More Painful than You Think [+Infographic]

There are many reasons you do not want to contract the evil COVID-19, but I put together 11 facts solely around mechanical ventilators used in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) that should prove enough to stir your imagination and convince you to step up your preventive measures suite a gear! World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that roughly four-fifth of COVID-19 patients won't need hospitalisation. But 20% is still a huge number,…


5 Practical Considerations When You Watch TV [+Infographic]

Have you ever wondered what is going on in your brain when you watch TV? For example, why binge-watching a favourite series or even just randomly clicking on your YouTube feed can feel like such a welcome break? Your eyes might get tired and your head feel heavy, but you could still continue hours more in front of the screen—something that rarely happens when, say, you're reading a book. My…


How to Protect Vision Health in 9 Tested Ways [+Infographic]

With the ever-increasing role of the Internet and digital platforms in our lives and all the good they potentially bring to us, it's just plain common sense to pay more attention to their adverse effects that can directly or indirectly impact our mental and, of course, physical health. One obvious area of physical health that we ought to be consciously looking after is vision health. And speaking of digital platforms,…