Porno dla dzieci: Niebezpieczeństwa i problemy związane z rozpowszechnianiem w polskim Internecie

Porno dla dzieci: Niebezpieczeństwa i problemy związane z rozpowszechnianiem w polskim Internecie Wstęp Dzieciece porno to jedno z najpoważniejszych zagrożeń we współczesnym społeczeństwie. Wraz z rozwojem Internetu, problem ten staje się coraz bardziej zauważalny. Polska, podobnie jak inne kraje, zmaga się z rosnącą skalą tego zjawiska. W artykule omówimy jego źródła, konsekwencje oraz działania podejmowane w celu walki z tym procederem. Skala problemu w Polsce Według raportów Fundacji Dajemy Dzieciom…


Quick-Read: 5 Practices to Make Wait Time Productive

Jason Farman, Professor and Director of the Design Cultures & Creativity Program at University of Maryland, College Park, has written extensively on the concept of 'waiting', including in his Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World (2018). He has also reflected on our global wait in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can enjoy the longer essay yourself, but here is its Quick-Read.…


Quick-Read: Why Being on a Ventilator is Much More Painful than You Think [+Infographic]

There are many reasons you do not want to contract the evil COVID-19, but I put together 11 facts solely around mechanical ventilators used in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) that should prove enough to stir your imagination and convince you to step up your preventive measures suite a gear! World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that roughly four-fifth of COVID-19 patients won't need hospitalisation. But 20% is still a huge number,…


How to Use the Apostrophe in English Confidently [+Infographic]

Types of Apostrophe The apostrophe is a mark that, despite its tiny size, carries a lot of history on its back and can change the meaning of a sentence significantly. In this article I seek to provide a bird’s-eye view of its main usages in English writing. These include its role in forming contractions, pluralisation, and the possessive case. What is an apostrophe? Once you learn to read English, you…


5 Practical Considerations When You Watch TV [+Infographic]

Have you ever wondered what is going on in your brain when you watch TV? For example, why binge-watching a favourite series or even just randomly clicking on your YouTube feed can feel like such a welcome break? Your eyes might get tired and your head feel heavy, but you could still continue hours more in front of the screen—something that rarely happens when, say, you're reading a book. My…


How to Be and ‘Feel’ More Productive as You Work Remotely

"How can you be productive as you work remotely from home?" This is a question increasingly at the forefront for many people: students whose schools have been shut down as well as a huge (even though, hopefully, temporary) population that have to work remotely as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 global crisis. But it is also a question repeatedly asked by those who work remotely all the time, wondering if being…


Why This 1 Popular Myth about Quarantine Can Damage You

As COVID-19 started raging through China in the concluding days of 2019 and then paralysed much of the world around springtime in 2020, a handful of keywords such as 'quarantine', 'isolation', or, the relatively newer coinage, 'social distancing' went viral (a pun too tempting to resist). One figure who loomed large on online platforms and was frequently associated with these keywords was Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1726/27): "How Isaac Newton Turned…


How to Protect Vision Health in 9 Tested Ways [+Infographic]

With the ever-increasing role of the Internet and digital platforms in our lives and all the good they potentially bring to us, it's just plain common sense to pay more attention to their adverse effects that can directly or indirectly impact our mental and, of course, physical health. One obvious area of physical health that we ought to be consciously looking after is vision health. And speaking of digital platforms,…


Unlock Your Creativity with 5 Practical Steps Like That! [+Infographic]

Whenever I'm having writer's block and feel stuck, I try to go about the act of writing in a more tactile way. I call this 'climbing down a rung', which helps with unlocking—as well as unblocking—my creativity. Let me explain. My default writing instruments, just like any other millennial I presume, are almost all virtual now: the word processors and writing apps that ethereally exist in my notebook or smartphone,…