Let R be the region under the curve y=f(x) between x=a and x=b (0a<b) (Figure 1(a)). In Section 9.2, we computed the volume of the solid obtained by revolving R about the x-axis. Another way of generating a totally different solid is to revolve the region R about the y-axis as shown in Figure 1(b).

(a) (b)

Figure 1


To compute the volume of this solid, consider a vertical thin rectangle of height f(x) and width dx. When this rectangle is revolved around the y-axis, it generates a hollow, thin-walled shell of radius x, height f(x) and thickness dx (Figure 2(a)).

Imagine that the cylindrical shell has been rolled out flat like a thin sheet of tin whose length is 2πx, which is the circumference of the shell (Figure 2(b)). Therefore, the element of volume is dV=2πxf(x)dx. The total volume is then obtained by adding up the columns of the infinitesimal shells. V=abdV=ab2πxf(x)dx.

(a) (b)

Figure 2


  • In principle, the volume of this solid can also be obtained by considering thin disks generated by revolving infinitesimally thin horizontal rectangles; however, it often turns out to be more difficult because (1) the equation y=f(x) has to be solved for x in terms of y, and (2) the formula for the length of the horizontal rectangle may vary in the region. In such cases, we have to compute more than one integral.
  • If the region is between two curves y=f(x) and y=g(x) (with f(x)g(x)), then the height of the vertical rectangle and the cylindrical shell are f(x)g(x) (Figure 3). Therefore, in this case dV=2πx[f(x)g(x)]dx and V=2πabx[f(x)g(x)]dx.

    Figure 3


In general, we can write V=ab2π(shell radius)(area of thin rectangle)=ab2πρdA

Example 1
The region in the first quadrant between y=4x2 and y=x24 is revolved about the y-axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid by the shell method.
Solution 1

Figure 4

Let y1=4x2 and y2=x24. Then the height of the typical shell MN is MN=y1y2=(4x2)(x24)=82x2 So the volume of the shell shown in the figure is dV=2πρ dA, where dA=MN dx=(82x2)dx and ρ=the distance of the thin rectangle from the axis of rotation=x. Therefore, dV=2πx(82x2)dx and the total volume is V=02dV=022πx(82x2)dx=4π02(4xx3)dx=4π[2x214x4]02=4π(8164)=16π.

Example 2
  The region inside the circle x2+y2=a2 is revolved about the y-axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid (which is a sphere) by the shell method.
Solution 2

Figure 5

We write the equation of the circle as y1=a2x2andy2=a2x2. Then dA=area of the thin rectangle=(y1y2)dx=2a2x2dx and the volume of the shell is dV=2πρdA where ρ=distance of the thin rectangle from the axis of rotation=x. Therefore, dV=2πx(2a2x2)dx. Because x (= the distance of the thin rectangle from the y-axis) varies between 0 and a, the total volume is: V=0adV=0a2πx(2a2x2)dx=2π0a2xa2x2dx Let u=a2x2. Then du=2xdx and V=2πa20udu(u=0 when x=a and u=a2 when x=0)=2π0a2udu=2π[23u32]0a2=4π3a3

Example 3
The region inside the curve x2a2+y2b2=1 is revolved about the y-axis. Find the volume of the resulting ellipsoid.

Solution 3

Figure 6

If we solve the equation of the ellipse for y, we get y1=b1x2a2,y2=b1x2a2. Then dA=volume of the thin rectangle=(y1y2)dx=2b1x2a2dx and the volume of the shell is dV=2πxdA=2πx(2b1x2a2)dx Because x (= the distance between the thin rectangle and the y-axis) varies between 0 and a, the total volume is V=0adV=0a4bπx1x2a2dx Let u=1x2a2. Then du=2a2xdx. We know that u=1 when x=0 and u=0 when x=a. Therefore V=0a4bπx1x2b2dx=4bπ10u(2a22du)xdx=2a2bπ[23u32]10=43πa2b

Example 4
Given that a disk with radius 1 and center (5,0) is revolved about the y-axis, compute the volume of the resulting doughnut-shaped solid.

Solution 4

Figure 7

The equation of a circle with radius 1 and center (5,0) is (x5)2+y2=1 This equation gives us two functions y1=1(x5)2andy1=1(x5)2 Therefore, the height of the typical thin rectangle is MN=y1y2=1(x5)2(11(x5)2)=21(x5)2, and the area of a thin rectangle is dA=(MN)dx=21(x5)2dx, and the volume of the shell is dV=2πρdA=2πx(21(x5)2)dx=4πx1(x5)2dx. Because ρ=x (= the distance between the thin rectangle and the origin) varies between 4 and 6, the total volume is V=46dV=464πx1(x5)2dx Let u=x5. Then V=114π(u+5)1u2du=4π11u1u2du+4π1251u2du Because the function f(u)=u1u2 is odd, that is f(u)=u1(u)2=f(u) we know 11u1u2du=0 On the other hand, 111u2du is equal to the area of a semicircle of radius 1 (Figure 8). Therefore 111u2du=π2(1)2=π2

Figure 8
Figure 8: The integral 111u2du is equal to the area of a semicircle of radius 1.


Therefore, the volume of the doughnut-shaped solid is V=4π11u1u2du=0+20π111u2du=π2=10π2.

If a circle is revolved about an axis, the doughnut-shaped solid is called a torus. If the radius of the circle is r and the distance between the center of the circle and the axis is a then the volume of the torus is V=(πr2)(2πa)=2π2r2a.

Figure 9: : A torus and its volume.