Estimating the limit of a function using the graphical approach may not be very accurate, and as we saw in Example 4 of Section 4.1, the numerical approach may lead to incorrect results. In this section, we discuss how we can evaluate limits analytically.
In this section, we learn:
Table of Contents
Algebraic Operations on Limits
We first begin with some useful limits:
Theorem 1: 1. (Constant function rule): If is a constant, then for any number
2. (Identity function rule):
The Constant Function Rule says that if is identically equal to , then is close to for all close to . This is true because is always close to .
The Identity Function Rule merely says that is close to whenever is close to .
The illustrations of these two rules are shown in Figure 1.
(a) Graph of a constant function. It is clear that
(b) Graph of the identity function . It is clear that .
Figure 1
Although the above limits are obvious from the intuitive viewpoint, we can prove them rigorously using the – definition.
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(1) Constant function rule: Here for every and . We must prove that for every , there exists a such that
Because , we always have
So we can choose any positive number for , and get
(2) Identity function rule: Here and . We must prove that for every , there exists a such that
Obviously if we choose , then
Basic Algebraic Operations
We can evaluate many limits by applying the following limit laws.
Theorem 2. (Algebraic Operations on Limits): Let , , , and be real numbers. If and are functions such that
1. Constant multiple rule:
2. Sum rule:
3. Difference rule:
4. Product rule:
5. Quotient rule:
Similar results hold for left and right hand limits; that is, we can replace by or in the above equations.
This theorem merely says:
The limit of a constant times a function is the constant times the limit of the function.
The limit of a sum is the sum of the limits.
The limit of a difference is the difference of the limits.
The limit of a product is the product of the limits.
The limit of a quotient is the quotient of the limits provided that the limit of the denominator is not zero.
Note that the Constant Multiple Rule (1) is a special case of the Product Rule (4) when is a constant function, namely .
This theorem comes from the common sense that if the number is close to the number and the number is close to the number then will be close to , will be close to , and will be close to . For example,
So it is easy to believe if is close to and is close to when is close to , then is close to , and is close to when is close to . Similarly will be close to if . In the Quotient Rule, we have to exclude the case of because division by zero is not defined.
Using the – definition, we can prove this theorem with mathematical rigor.
The above theorem can be extended to the sum, difference, or product of any finite number of functions. Namely if
Specifically, if is a positive integer then
Example 1
The graphs of and are shown in the following figure. Use the limit laws and evaluate the following limits, if they exist.
(a) By the Sum Rule we have
By the Constant Multiple Rule we have
From the graphs of and we find that
(b) By the Constant Multiple Rule:
and by the Quotient Rule:
we get
(c) From the graphs of and , we see , but does not exist, because the left and right limits are not the same
By the Product Rule the left-hand limit is
and the right-hand limit is:
Because the left and right limits are not equal, does not exist.
Example 2
The graphs of and are shown in the following figure. Use the limit laws and evaluate the following limits, if they exist.
As does not exist, following the previous example, we may be tempted to say that none of the above limits exist. However, we will see that only the first one does not exist.
By Theorem 1 in Section 4.3, we know that the two-sided limit exists if and only if the one-sided limits exist and are equal. So because
we conclude that does not exist.
Because the left and right hand limits are both equal to 0, we conclude that
Here because the left and right hand limits exist and equal, we conclude that the two sided limit exists too and its value is 0:
Similarly, using the - definition, we can show that the following theorem is true. This limit is consistent with the appearance of the graph .
Theorem 4: If is a positive integer, then
[Ifis even, we assume that.]
In general, we have the following theorem which will be shown in the Section on Continuity that it is a consequence of the above theorem.
Theorem 5 (Root Rule): If is a positive integer, then
[If is even we assume that ]
To show that the above theorem is plausible, assume that exists. Then by the general form of the Product Rule,
Example 7
Evaluate the following limit and indicate the limit theorem being used for each step.
Replacement Rule
Suppose we want to evaluate
Because the denominator is zero at , we cannot use the above theorem. So what can we do here? Let\textquoteright s simplify this fraction
This shows us that two functions and are identical except when . But the limit of depends only on the values of this function for near and the value of a function at does not influence the limit. So we must have
By Theorem 3:
In general recall that depends only on the values of for close to and not on the value of at nor on the values of for far away from . So if there is a function such that for close to but not necessarily for , then
Therefore, we have the following theorem:
Theorem 6 (Replacement Rule): If
for all close to , but not necessarily including , then
Illustration of this theorem is presented in the following figure.
We can see that for all between and (or in an open interval containing ) except for . Therefore .
Example 8
Given that is a function defined by
evaluate .
As discussed above, when evaluating the limit, we are concerned about the values of the variable (here ) near but not equal to . Thus we have,
Example 9
Here we cannot simply use Limits of Rational Functions (Theorem 3) and substitute 2 for in the given expression because . However, factoring the numerator and the denominator, we obtain
This quotient is when . So by Replacement Rule (Theorem 6),
Example 10
The substitution of in the fraction produces the meaningless fraction . So we cannot apply Limits of Rational Functions (Theorem 3). However, factoring the numerator, we obtain
[for factoring recall a cube of SOAP (same, opposite,always positive) in Section on Factorization]
Because and are equal except when , by Theorem
The Sandwich Theorem
The following theorem helps us find a variety of limits:
Theorem 7 (The Sandwich Theorem): If we have
for all in some open interval containing except possibly at itself and if
then we also have
The Sandwich Theorem is also called the Squeeze Theorem or the Pinching Theorem.
The Sandwich Theorem also holds for the one-sided limits; that is, we can replace by or in the above equations, and the theorem will be still valid.
The Sandwich Theorem states that if a function is sandwiched between two functions and near and if and approach the same number , then must approach too (as , where else can go to, if not to ?). The validity of this theorem is suggested by the following figure.
The Sandwich Theorem. If for all near (except possibly at ) and , then .
The rigorous proof is as follows.
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Suppose is given. We need to show that there exists a such that for all
Because and , there exist some and such that for all
[Note that is equivalent to or if we add to each side it is equivalent to . See Property 7(i) in the Section on Absolute Value]
Now if we choose , then for all if then
That is,
Example 11
Show that
where the symbol (also ) denotes the greatest integer (or floor) function.
For every number , we know
Therefore, for every
If , we can multiply each side by and the directions of inequalities are preserved:
Because , by the Sandwich Theorem:
If , we still multiply both sides by but the directions of inequalities are reversed:
Again because , by the Sandwich Theorem
Because , we conclude that
The graphs of , , and are depicted in the following figure.
If and we multiply each side of (i) by , the directions of the inequalities will not change. That is,
it follows from the Sandwich Theorem that
If and we multiply each side of (i) by , we need to reverse the direction of the inequalities. That is,
Again because
it follows from the Sandwitch Theorem that
Because the left and right limits are equal, we conclude that
The graph of is shown below
(b) Similar to part (a), we start from the fact that
and if we replace with when , we get
Multiplying each side by
by the Sandwitch theorem
The graph of is shown below.
(c) Similar to part (a), we start with
If , then and therefore
and if , then and therefore
it follows from the Sandwich Theorem that
The graph of is shown below.
Limits Involving sin(x)/x
Recall that when there is no notation, the default is that is measured in radian.
In Example 3 in the Section on the Concept of a Limit [you need to click on “Show Some Examples” to be able to see this example], we saw that . This limit is of importance and we can solve many similar exercises using this limit. In this section, we prove that using the Sandwich Theorem.
Theorem 8:
To prove this theorem, we show that the right-hand and left-hand limits are both 1, and consequently, the limit is 1.
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Consider the construction shown in the following figure, where the radius of the circle is 1 (), and .
Notice that
In , . In , .
Let’s find each area in terms of :
Because the central angle of the sector is :
Because , the sine of is positive and dividing each term by does not change the directions of inequalities:
Taking reciprocals reverses the inequalities (see property 7 of inequalities in the Section on Inequalities):
Now we show that the last double inequality holds also for . If , then and therefore
Recall that is an odd function and is an even function. That is,
So we proved
Because and , the Sandwich Theorem gives
Note that
Example 15
Evaluate the following limit
Let’s multiply the numerator and the denominator by
Now let . So is equivalent to
In general for a constant
Example 16
Show that for nonzero constants and
Let’s divide both the denominator and numerator by
We just saw that . Thus,
Example 17
Show that
By definition . Thus
Example 18
Evaluate the following limit
Let’s multiply and divide the given fraction by . That is,
For the first limit let . If , then . Thus
Another importance limit is
Notice that we cannot simply substitute in the given expression because we get the meaningless fraction upon substitution.